Governance, Regulatory and Legislative Frameworks and Reform

We are engaged with multinational companies and senior government officials on a variety of projects and programs in Africa, Asian Pacific and North America. We have experience at the most senior levels within government as executives and regulators and we regularly interact at the Deputy Minister/Permanent Secretary levels of various governments. We provide strategic, regulatory, legislative framework reform and technology expertise in ICT policy and strategies. We have international recognition for our experience and we have chaired several international conferences and presented speeches and technical papers at major industry events and workshops.


Our team has:

  • Experience developing regulatory strategies, as well as evaluating and improving strategies;
  • Experience developing government-wide consultation policies, as well as identifying various methods for consultation and assessing what works well in a particular environment;
  • Experience developing advance notice mechanisms (e.g., regulatory calendars, regulatory agendas, and incorporation of regulatory plans in public ministry planning documents);
  • Experience bringing in outside parties to the consultation process, including community groups, potential consumers/users and small business users;
  • Prepared documents relating to regulatory management for OECD and APEC (e.g. Regulatory Checklist: and regulatory portion of the APEC checklist);
  • Advised on the development of policies dealing with impact analyses, as well as performing analyses;
  • Broad familiarity with the international literature dealing with regulatory reform, impact analyses and methodologies (including strengths and shortcomings), instrument choice, alternatives to classic regulatory approaches, evaluation of regulatory management frameworks or policies, and the political economy of regulation;
  • Extensive expertise in the development and drafting of legislation, policies and expert papers dealing with regulatory issues;
  • Close familiarity and hands-on experience with the implementation of regulatory frameworks and policies at both the central agency (e.g., Cabinet Office) and Ministry level;
  • Familiarity with best practices in regulatory design and the structures of new regulatory institutions, including those that are operated at arm’s length from government or that operate under delegated authority;
  • Experience in the use of standards to complement regulatory systems;
  • Experience with risk assessment & risk framework development;
  • Developed performance measurement systems design and scorecards;
  • Experience with public sector ethics & ethics system design;
  • Experience evaluating regulatory institutions and programs, as well as designing evaluation frameworks, data collecting strategies and performance measures for subsequent evaluations;
  • Practical regulatory experience with economic regulators (transportation and telecommunications) and high level adjudicative experience with the Canadian Competition Tribunal;
  • Detailed familiarity with the general tenets of administrative law, including that of the European Community, and competition theory and law;
  • Detailed familiarity with consumer protection law and international models (e.g. ombudsmen, consumer mediation), as well as the role that consumers may play in the development or assessments of impact analyses;
  • Experience with corporate governance principles, including those that apply in parastatal bodies and bodies that work with regulated industries;
  • Experience assessing, developing and evaluating alternatives to regulation, including self-regulation, co-regulation, use of standards and codes;
  • Experience designing new regulatory institutions, including their legislation, their relationships to government, allocation of powers, and identification of skills required to fulfil the assigned roles;
  • Experience designing, developing and implementing compliance and enforcement systems that take into account the new best practices relating to compliance (particularly as being advanced in Australia, the UK and the EU);
  • Experience with rule-making, including best practices regarding public consultations, impact analysis, and improving credibility through transparency and communication;
  • Developed impact assessments that deal with effects on competition, trade, and other matters of particular interest to EAC countries (e.g., health, entrepreneurship);
  • Familiarity with current management practices, including managing in an environment with diffused accountabilities (as may occur with delegations and multiple regional players, including the EAC);
  • Established expertise in international development and the issues that arise when building new institutions in developing countries.
  • Strong backgrounds in communicating through workshops, speeches and written materials;
  • Expertise in accountability frameworks;
  • Significant experience in governance evaluation frameworks for programmes (both new and established);
  • Improved transparency and accountability;
  • Expertise in capacity building/training related to Regulatory, Governance and Legislative requirements;
  • Experience with central agency co-ordination mechanisms;
  • Designed agencies, parastatals and regulatory bodies;
  • Performed institution building such as Ethics commissioners, Information and Privacy commissioners and central agency enhancements;
  • Developed policy strategies such as formulating useful and pragmatic policy advice, developing government policy, translating policy to legislation and the design of new institutions and practical experience of implementation of policy and legislation;
  • Access to a versatile team of qualified English/French bilingual resources with a breadth and depth of experience that can be augmented, as and when required, to ensure that client requirements are met.